Hackney, Kaylee J.Perrewé, Pamela L.2022-06-142022-06-142018-02-07Hackney, K. J., & Perrewé, P. L. (2018). A review of abusive behaviors at work: The development of a process model for studying abuse. Organizational Psychology Review, 8(1), 70-92. https://doi.org/10.1177/2041386618755724https://hdl.handle.net/2104/12098We develop an overarching conceptual model of abuse based on the literature and discuss common antecedents and consequences of workplace abuse. We examine numerous conceptualizations of workplace abuse from the perpetrators’ as well as the victims’ perspectives. Further, we delve into the literature to provide moderating factors affecting workplace abuse relationships as well as mediating processes that help to explain why abuse occurs and its outcomes in the workplace.A review of abusive behaviors at work: The development of a process model for studying abuseArticle10.1177/2041386618755724