Pulliam, Jay.2023-09-262023-09-262022-12December 2December 2https://hdl.handle.net/2104/12409The compositions, lateral and depth extent, and physical characteristics of geological features in the Texas-Oklahoma region are poorly constrained, just as the events that created them are poorly understood. We used EarthScope’s Transportable Array stations (2008-12) and TexNet stations (2018-present) to produce a 3D model of the region’s crust and upper mantle via seismic traveltime tomography using teleseismic P and local Pg arrivals. The combination of these two arrival types imposes strong constraints on the crust and upper mantle. The resulting tomographic model reveals a fast velocity anomaly in the mantle beneath west Texas, which may be related to subsidence that created the deep Delaware Basin. In east Texas, near the Louisiana border, a fast anomaly extends through the crust in the vicinity of the Sabine Uplift, although it does not coincide with the shallowest expressions of the Uplift. Although the Anadarko Basin appears prominently in the model’s crust, the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen cannot be identified.application/pdfEnglishSeismic tomography of the former southern margin of Laurentia using teleseismic P and local pg phases.ThesisNo access – contact librarywebmaster@baylor.edu2023-09-26