Caston, Ellie.Sielaff, Steven K.2014-01-282014-01-282014-052014-01-28 Mayborn Museum Complex Oral History Project documents the capital campaign, design, construction and formal dedication in 2004 of the Mayborn Museum Complex at Baylor University through the use of oral history interviews. No prior effort to record this period of the institution’s history had been made at the time of this project. While certain primary source materials are available documenting various facets of this history, it was determined that the vast wealth of information rested in the memories of certain individuals who played key roles in the new museum’s development and creation. Therefore a pure oral history project, using primary sources as background research materials, was chosen as the ideal course of action.EnglishBaylor University projects are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. Contact for inquiries about permission.Museums.Museum design.Oral history.Fundraising.University museum.Interview.Children's museum.Discovery center.Captial campaign.Institutional history.From vision to verity : the Mayborn Museum Complex Oral History Project.ProjectWorldwide access