Cosart, JannDodson, Zerek Nathaniel, 1994-Baylor Libraries (Mrs. J. W. Jennings Collection of Medieval Music Manuscripts and Early Printed Music)Brown, Michelle2015-05-282015-05-282015 has played a crucial role in Christian worship since the beginning of Christianity itself. Over the course of the first millennium of this era, a large repertory of monophonic chants was developed and disseminated through oral transmission. The Western Church encouraged the development of systems of musical notation to preserve these chants, of which square notation eventually became dominant. Scribes compiled and copied various types of liturgical books, including Graduals that contained both chants and rubrics for the observance of the Mass. This study investigates a manuscript Gradual of plainchant in square notation, the Baylor University Jennings Collection MS 9, which originated in Spain during the late fifteenth century, endeavoring to contextualize it within its historical and liturgical framework. Focusing particularly on the Good Friday section within Holy Week, the study considers the paleographic, codicological, and musical features of the manuscript, transcribing and translating both music and text.en-USBaylor University projects are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. Contact for inquiries about permission.Music.Medieval Latin.Liturgy.Gregorian chant.Manuscript studies.Codicology.Ecce Lignum Crucis — Medieval Piety, Ingenuity, and Music: A Transcription and Translation of the Good Friday Liturgy in the Jennings MS 9ThesisWorldwide access