Holcomb, Julie.McCarthy, Mary K.2013-05-152013-05-152012-122013-05-15http://hdl.handle.net/2104/8586This project explores the complex issues that still surround NAGPRA and offers current solutions to American museums struggling with them. The chapters examine the current state of repatriation efforts in the United States, New Zealand and Canada. The successful repatriation of remains in New Zealand and Canada is examined for key elements that made progress possible. The final chapter offers recommendations to American museums based on success in New Zealand and Canada.EnglishBaylor University projects are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. Contact libraryquestions@baylor.edu for inquiries about permission.NAGPRA.Repatriation.New Zealand.Canada.Maori.First nations.Cleaning skeletons from our closets : the repatriation movement in the United States of America, New Zealand and Canada.ProjectWorldwide access