Quareosonics : beyond respectable sonics in hip-hop/rap.


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The notion that ‘Black life is not monolithic’ is a sentiment many Black queer folks would confirm. Black queer folks often inhabit a place of disownment from queer folks, Black folks, and even intricacies that occur within the intermural of Black queer life. Although there is a disavowing that occurs to Black queer folks, there is also a reclamation and pushback that allows for flourishing. I argue that Quare sounds are acts of resistance that can stutter the flow of hegemonic and “respectable” forms of sonicity. While Black queer music is often stigmatized, these sounds can produce meaningful, life affirming affect. This critical rhetorical interpersonal analysis finds answers to what/how Quare sounds can produce change through holding a focus group composed of Black queer individuals. Finally, I look at Black queer rappers, e.g. Saucy Santana, Young M.A., and Lil Nas X, to analyze different styles resistance to parasitic structures.



Quare. Sexuality. Black. Black queer. Sound. Music. Intermural. Blackness. Lil Nas X. Young M.A. Saucy Santana. Hip-hop. Rap.
