Fan responses to Orphan Black and The 100 via blogs, fan fiction, and ship wars.


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This thesis researches the complexities of internet fandoms surrounding femslash communities on the microblogging platform, looking at some of the LGBTQ fans’ particular behaviors and practices. In this context, Internet fandom refers to virtual communities where fans of popular culture media, such as television shows or web series, actively engage in “fannish” activities. My research addresses three questions: 1) What are some potential benefits for fan when LGBTQ media representation is positive (i.e. characters don’t succumb to damaging tropes); 2) What do fans do to cope with and rectify when representation is negative; and 3) What fans can do to change representation for the better. My research reveals the transformations that can occur in individuals and their communities because of positive representation and how fans can effectively fight against negative narrative representation to change dominant discourse that historically silences and represses LGBTQ persons.



Fan studies. Internet culture. LGBTQ. Queer narratology. Media studies. Fan fiction. Femslash. Fandom. Tumblr.
