Using multiple parameters to compare effluent quality of eight wastewater treatment systems.




Price, Amy E.

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Wastewater effluent qualities from two study sites in central Texas were compared using whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests and chemical indicator parameters. Three of the effluents were collected from the City of Whitney Wastewater Treatment Facility in Whitney, TX; the remaining five effluents were collected at the Waco Metropolitan Area Regional Sewerage System (WMARSS) and the Baylor Wastewater Research Program site near Waco, TX. The first hypothesis examined at the City of Whitney Wastewater Treatment Facility was that effluent water quality improves through a pond and wetland treatment system. The second hypothesis examined was that there is no difference of effluent water qualities between two seasons. The first hypothesis examined for the Waco effluents was that effluent qualities of the four on-site systems are comparable to a centralized municipal wastewater treatment effluent: WMARSS. The second hypothesis examined was that there is no difference of effluent water qualities between two seasons.



Daphnia magna., On-site wastewater treatment., Municipal wastewater treatment., Effluent water quality.
