Libraries Symposium

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    The Sweet Smell (and Taste) of Success: Incentivizing ORCID iD Sign-Ups Among Faculty and Graduate Students
    (2016-09-15) Chan-Park, Christina Y.; Peterson-Lugo, Billie
    ORCID identifiers (ORCID iDs) are a persistent unique identifier for researchers and scholars and enable the automation of links to research objects such as publications, grants, presentations, data, patents and more -- a DOI for researchers and scholars. ORCID iDs also help research offices oversee the research activities of campus scholars. However, in order to reap the benefits of having a unique identifier, most scholars must sign up individually for a free ORCID iD. As ORCID iDs become the de rigueur id, institutions have an increased need for a record of their researchers’ ORCID iDs, and many who have the resources have joined as institutional members which allows them both to assign ORCID iDs and to mine information from the ORCID registry. For example, in 2014 personnel at the Texas A&M libraries implemented a system, using the Vireo electronic theses and dissertations software, to mint ORCID iDs for more than 10,000 graduate students. They also assign ORCID iDs to any faculty who request one. ( The Baylor University Libraries do not have the resources to take on the assignment of ORCID iDs at this level. However, we know Baylor researchers are encountering the need to establish ORCID iDs when they submit articles for publication or apply for grants. We also see value in new researchers (graduate students) establishing ORCID iDs early in their research careers. Consequently, personnel in the Baylor University Libraries developed a cost-effective, low-tech ORCID iD campaign with input from ORCID. The campaign had two projected outcomes: * Raise awareness of ORCID iDs and their benefits with Baylor faculty and graduate students; and * Have at least 300 Baylor faculty or graduate students (10% of the research population) establish their ORCID iDs. We believe that the concepts and processes we used for our ORCID campaign can be transferred to other institutions that face comparable resource challenges. This 24x7 presentation will cover the processes (and incentives) we used during our Spring 2015 campaign to entice faculty and graduate students to obtain ORCID iDs and to help them add content to their ORCID accounts. In addition, we will analyze the perceived success of the campaign and discuss our plans and ideas to keep the momentum going.
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    Beyond bibliographic instruction: Science research workshops
    (2016-09-15) Chan-Park, Christina Y.
    Over the past three academic years, I have offered a series of Science Research Workshops that have gone beyond basic bibliographic instruction and database searching. Although these workshops are available to any undergraduate, graduate student, or faculty, the primary attendees are undergraduate students who are working on honors theses. The workshops are interactive so groups of 3-6 are ideal, but up to 8-12 can be accommodated. Topics include the Scientific Research Process, Data Management, Reading a Scientific Article, Writing a Scientific Abstract, and Creating a Scientific Poster Presentation. For the last three workshops, students are asked to bring a scientific article, an experiment proposal, and a data example, respectively. During the workshop, I give a short introduction to the structure of an article, abstract, or poster and then spend the bulk of the time guiding students through the process of reading, writing, or creating. As I lead the students through the different steps, we stop to share their progress with each other. Students like the interactive format because they can ask questions freely and because they see others having to work through the progress. After the workshop, students not only feel more confident in their research skills but also gain a better understanding of their own research project. I will present outlines of materials at these workshops in addition to insights I have gained on the popularity of the different types of workshops.
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    Complex systems.
    (2014-11-13) Grabow, Paul C.
    The “extension” of the self is a dominant theme in McLuhan’s (1911-1980) Understanding Media, in which “all technologies are extensions of our physical being”. His discussion of “extension of consciousness” via “electric technology” was prophetic, whereby “the entire business of man becomes learning and knowing” and “all forms of wealth result from the movement of information”. The net result is a “total field of inclusive awareness” where we are both aware and affected by things outside of us -- as part of a large, complex, system. In Technology & Justice, Grant (1918-1988) wrote that “... modern technology is not simply an extension of human making ... but is a new account of what it is to know and to make in which both activities are changed ...”, where “... technology is the pervasive mode of being in our political and social lives”. In other words, technology has permeated the whole of society. This too can be regarded as a large, complex system. Both writers recognized that technology simplifies this complex system to conform to its assumptions and goals. Consequently, the system often behaves badly. “Even specialist learning in higher education proceeds by ignoring interrelationships; for such complex awareness slows down the achieving of expertness” (McLuhan). And “… technology … tends to pare down the actual novelness of our situation, so that we are not allowed to contemplate that situation for what it is” (Grant). In other words, the messy (often, human) elements are simplified to fit the assumptions and goals of organizational structure, terminology, or methods. Unfortunately, neither writer addresses how to deal with this oversimplification. Nassim Taleb (b 1960) suggests that a complex system should be seen for what it is (volatile and random) and not what we often imagine it to be (stable and deterministic). In particular, he advocates making decisions (and building systems) that are antifragile, i.e, capable of benefiting from random events, errors, and volatility. He also warns against cause-effect predictions with complex systems, recognizing that “… the notion of cause itself is suspect; it is either nearly impossible to detect or not really defined.” The presentation will sketch some concepts from Taleb for problems described by McLuhan and Grant.
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    Retribalization in the digital age : integration in the "global village."
    (2014-11-13) Lopez, Elena Marie.
    Marshall McLuhan stated one consequence of the printing press was increased nationalism.  In  Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man,  McLuhan asserted the electronic age has conversely retribalized man.  Through retribalization our once divisive world has become a “global village.”  In our current Digital Age electronic media abounds.  To McLuhan, electronic media foster a sense of integration.  Yet to what extent has our contemporary, media-saturated society become truly integrated? The exponential growth of communication technologies has indeed fostered a sense of a global community as individuals from across the world connect and interact.  Cultures once deemed foreign and exotic are now easily accessible through various media.  Mass media, in particular, contribute to our understanding of “otherness.”  Media therefore can be enlightening in increasing our awareness of diverse peoples and perspectives. In recent years more diverse peoples have been featured in the mass media.  However, despite these gains recent studies indicate a lack of representation of women and minorities in the media.  Additionally, the media’s portrayal of “others” can also lead to misguided perceptions and prejudice. A Coca-Cola® television advertisement entitled “It’s Beautiful” that ran during the 2014 Super Bowl perhaps best exemplifies the paradoxical relationship between media and integration.  In the advertisement, diverse peoples sang “America the Beautiful” both in English and other languages.  While some viewers lauded the multicultural efforts of Coca-Cola®, the ad sparked controversy as others were outraged and viewed the ad disdainfully. This presentation will seek to explore the role of electronic media in integration.  Do electronic media present only a façade of integration or are electronic media consequential for assimilation into a global community?  Marshall McLuhan’s own view of integration in the global village will be considered.
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    Social media's workplace impact.
    (2014-11-13) Koch, Hope W.
    In Understanding Media:  The Extensions of Man, McLuhan probes how new media changes society.  Social media such as Facebook and Twitter impact both our social lives and our work lives.  This panel presentation will discuss social media’s impact in the workplace by sharing insights from a multi-year case study conducted at USAA.  USAA implemented an internal social networking site, which it calls its internal Facebook, to help new employees connect with the organization.  The social networking site allows new hires to blend their personal and work lives.  New hires can use the social networking site to engage in activities during the work day.  Activities include playing, (e.g., scheduling table tennis matches), socializing, learning new things, and supporting one another (e.g., encouraging, consoling and cheering). Boundary theory suggests that this blending of one’s work and social life can create role conflict (Sundaramurthy & Kreiner, 2008).  For example, a mother responding to work texts while she is coaching her child’s soccer practice.   Contrary to boundary theory, this research shows that blending work life and social life can have positive impacts.  Most of this study’s new hires were engaged in tedious, technical jobs developing computer applications.  The social networking system offered respite.  Using the broaden and build theory of positive emotions (Fredrickson, 2004) as a framework, this research shows that workplace social media use can create positive emotions which then generate personal resources.  Resources are physical, social, intellectual and psychological. Furthermore, this research illustrates McLuhan’s proposition that the same media may transform different societies in different ways.  In this study, the social networking system affected middle managers and executives in different ways.  While the social media site left the new hires feeling good, middle managers felt isolated and marginalized, since the social networking system afforded new hires opportunities unavailable to middle managers.  Executive were circumspect.  They recognized the system’s socialization benefit and positive impact on turnover, but they wanted the new hires to use the social media system for more work-related activities. These findings offer practical implications for organizations wanting to implement social media in the workplace and theoretical implications.  Most psychological and information systems research focuses on negative emotions and our work bring insight into playfulness in the workplace.
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    Is Paul the eternal enemy of women?
    (2014-11-13) Still, Todd D.
    In his essay “Preface on the Prospects of Christianity,” Irish playwright, critic, and political activist George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) roundly criticizes the Apostle Paul. In addition to contending that Paul “does nothing that Jesus would have done and says nothing that Jesus would have said,” Shaw adjudges Paul as “the eternal enemy of Woman.” Shaw is not alone in his assessment. Any number of Bible readers would concur with him, including not a few feminist interpreters of Paul. The purpose of my presentation is to raise and to respond to the following question: What has given rise to this not uncommon perception? Arguably, the primary reason that some people perceive Paul to be chauvinistic, if not misogynistic, is due to certain passages found in Pauline Letters regarding women/wives and their interpretation and appropriation over the sweep of Christian history. In this short paper, I will identify and treat such troubling texts in Paul, not least 1 Timothy 2:8-15 and 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36. I will also note, however, a number of passages where Paul affirms women/wives in marriage and ministry. The upshot of this study will be the challenging of Shaw’s facile assumption that Paul is “the eternal enemy of Woman.”
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    The Feminine Mystique and society : a look at new media representations.
    (2014-11-13) Moody-Ramirez, Mia.
    Betty Friedan, in her 1963 bestseller, The Feminine Mystique, examined the role of various institutions in keeping women in a subservient position. The text helped kick off 1960s feminism in the United States. Fifty years later as feminism enters into the fourth wave, the time is ripe to study the book’s lasting impact on society. This essay examines representations of the Feminine Mystique in popular culture. Specifically, it investigates pins posted to Pinterest in 2013. While The Feminine Mystique is unquestionably a noteworthy text that helped stimulate the feminist movement, very few communications research articles have addressed the book. A search on Communication & Mass Media Complete revealed only five scholarly articles on the topic. Of these articles, only one discusses the 50th anniversary of The Feminine Mystique, and none discuss new media portrayals of the book. Building on these gaps in the literature, this study addressed two questions: (1) what themes are present in Pinterest pins about The Feminist Mystique? (2) what content is linked to Pinterest pins containing Feminist Mystique in the title? The artifacts for this analysis were 100 Pinterest pins found by searching for the keywords “Betty Friedan and Feminine Mystique” in October of 2013. Pins are visual bookmarks stored on a user’s Pinterest account that link to outside content (see Diagram 1). Pinterest is one of the newer social networking sites that launched in beta mode in March 2010. The invite-only visual bookmarking site is exclusive, yet by June 2012, according to Google DoubleClick, Pinterest was up to 31 million unique visitors per month (Chang, 2012). Preliminary findings indicate Pinterest pins containing the term “Feminine Mystique”link to content such as YouTube videos, products and websites, For instance, one such pin spotlights New York Times columnist Gail Collins’ debate on the strengths and weaknesses of the ageless book (see Diagram 2). Pinterest pins also tout products ranging from art to high fashion to the book itself. For instance, an NPR blog entry highlighted in a pin focuses on an interview with Hanna Rosin, author of The End of Men (Neary, 2013). Rosin states that she was surprised by Friedan’s anger as she systematically laid out the case against a male-dominated society that was determined to keep women in their place. She adds that The Feminine Mystique is still relevant especially when it comes to society’s “understanding of women and domesticity.” Another pin links to a blog post titled, “4 Big Problems with 'The Feminine Mystique,” featured in The Atlantic (see Diagram 3). The author Ashley Fetters explores what she calls several “grains of salt” that deserve consideration in any discussion of the 50-year-old book's legacy (Fetters, 2013). The post asserts that The Feminist Mystique ignored the black and lower-income women of the 20th century. It also discusses the positive achievements that women have made in the last 50 years. This exploratory study reveals The Feminine Mystique remains an integral part of popular culture. Study findings illustrate the significant impact the text has had on society. The text continues to shape women’s lives in the 21st Century. Pins discuss and critique feminism, commemorate the five decades following the publishing of The Feminine Mystique and keep alive the valuable debate on important women’s issues.
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    Women and work.
    (2014-11-13) Koch, Hope W.
    Women have made tremendous strides in the professions. More women than ever graduate from college and enter challenging fields like business, technology, medicine, and law. In the U.S., women earn 57% of undergraduate degrees and 62% of master’s degrees [U.S._Department_of_Education, 2012]. Nearly half of medical and law school graduates are women [Mitchell, 2012]. Despite these positive statistics, why have women in senior leadership positions declined [Sandberg and Scovell, 2013]? Why do women avoid stretch assignments and instead choose jobs that match our skill sets, or worse yet, opt-out of professional life in lieu of full-time motherhood, part-time work or volunteer work [Sandberg and Scovell, 2013]? This presentation explores the challenges today’s women internalize and provides guidance to help us manage them. Our internal challenges include risk aversion, feeling we are a fake, self-deprecating behavior and unrealistic expectations [Bronson and Merryman, 2013, Sandberg and Scovell, 2013]. Women’s risk aversion is evident in the jobs our job choices. Whereas our male counterparts will apply for assignments if there is any chance they can do it, women apply for assignments that we know we can do. When women seize a great job with great pay, we feel we are a fake and resort to self-deprecating behavior and setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves. We self-deprecate by not taking credit for our accomplishments and not billing for all the hours we work. Unrealistically, we try and achieve work-life balance, by comparing ourselves to male colleagues and stay at home mothers. The expectations for both have risen. Today’s married middle-income parents work 8.5 more hours per week than in 1979 [Economic_Policy_Institute, 2012], whereas today’s stay at home mom’s now dedicate 17 hours each week to their children, a phenomenon called intensive mothering [Bianchi, Robinson, and Milkie, 2006]. Trying to meet such unrealistic expectations has devastating effects, with women commonly accepting work assignments that allow us meet our personal obligations or leaving the workforce entirely [Mainiero and Sullivan, 2005]. This presentation will discuss some strategies for managing our challenges such as (1) how to temper our self-defense behavior, (2) outsourcing parts of our personal life and (3) trying to make the equality strides in the home that we’ve made in the workplace.
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    After The Feminine Mystique : redefining women of color in higher education.
    (2014-11-13) Palacios, Elizabeth, D.
    Fifty years ago, Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique demystified the notion of the “Happy Housewife Heroin” and dismantled the American construct of the “fulfilled” White, middle-class, college-educated housewife and mother. American culture had built an expectation that everything a woman pursued should lead to finding the perfect husband to please. This included going to college in order to be able to converse intelligently with her future husband, which, by the way was an excellent place to find a prospective mate. Female college students in the 1960’s were largely comprised of middle- to upper-class, White women. Many of the colleges emphasized knowledge and skills that would enhance their marketability as prospective wives for intelligent and well-established men who would be able to provide comfortable lives for them. Women who attended college tended to pursue female-oriented occupations such as teaching, social work, nursing, etc. Yet, there remained colleges and universities who had not opened their doors to women and were unapologetically male centered. Males dominated college campuses and flourished in a structure designed for them. Today, women outnumber men on college campuses. Females have surpassed males in earning bachelors’ and graduate degrees (Ph.D. included). Nonetheless, women and minorities are still underrepresented in the STEM majors, and those females who do major in STEM areas are less likely to pursue jobs in those areas after college graduation. Women continue to earn less than their male counterparts at 82 cents for every dollar men earn. As female enrollment was gradually growing in American colleges, minorities were still banned from attending many of the mainstream institutions of higher education. It would be in the mid- to late-sixties that the Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) decision would be enforced in some of the more resistant states where legal obstacles had been put into place. Although desegregation was mandated and implemented, there still remained disparities in education among women and minorities. That holds true today. There has been a steady increase in minority enrollment, but adversity and challenges continue to threaten college success. Cultural expectations continue to define female roles where education is not a priority. Many young women still have to combat parental views that women should live at home until married, college might conflict with finding a viable husband and having children, or education is for the sons, not the daughters. After 50 years of celebrating the revolutionary work of Betty Friedan, there still remain barriers to remove, paradigms to change, and educational access to champion
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    Work and family : finding your own balance.
    (2014-11-13) Hunter, Emily M.
    In the workplace, women have made great strides since The Feminine Mystique was penned in 1963, but today women face new challenges. Rather than barriers to entering the workforce or receiving equal education, women face the choice to leave a promising career to stay home with children or the daily struggle to accomplish career goals while also being fully present for the family. Working women today encounter a myriad of issues, but one issue I want to call attention to is striving to find each woman’s best balance between work and family. A recent 2012 Pew survey found that for the first time among the age group of 18 to 34 year-olds, more young women than men rated “success in a high-paying career or profession” as important to their lives. However, many working women have additional burdens that are not equally shared by their husbands: in 2011, for example, women spent on average 47 more minutes per day than men doing household chores and 22 more minutes caring for their family. Handling this “second shift” of responsibilities after work or even the interruptions to work caused by family responsibilities can leave a woman feeling out of balance. Fortunately, research on work-family conflict and enrichment can provide guidance. For instance, research finds that working does not necessarily sap from quality family time, but rather work and family domains can enrich each other. Engaging in both work and family can lead to lower distress, higher job and family satisfaction, and better work performance. And when husbands and wives share financial and childcare responsibilities, moms tend to experience less guilt and dads tend to be more involved with their children. We also see that women have different preferences for managing the boundaries between work and family. Some prefer to segment family and work. These women would rather not discuss work hassles while at home or receive family calls while at work unless absolutely necessary. Other women prefer to integrate across the boundary, blending work and family in conversation and multitasking family duties while working and vice versa. The continual advancements in communication technology provide both help and hindrance to integrators. I will touch on research of these boundary management preferences along with my research in the areas of working mothers, negotiation, and servant leadership to offer specific suggestions to manage boundaries in line with individual preferences, as each women finds her own tools and strategies to maintain a healthy balance, whether that balance is 50/50, 40/60 or 70/30.
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    The differential effects of Protestant fundamentalism on female and male environmental cooperation.
    (2014-11-13) Martinez, Brandon C.
    A number of recent studies indicate that Protestant fundamentalism is associated with lower levels of generalized trust. In this paper, we ask: What are the implications of fundamentalists’ lower trust levels? We focus specifically on cooperative decisions that benefit the greater good. Past research finds that trust promotes cooperation, but more recent work suggests that trust matters more for women than men in making decisions about cooperation. We theorize that because fundamentalism undermines trust, and women’s but not men’s cooperation is predicated on trust, fundamentalism should negatively impact cooperation for women, but not men. That is, we suggest an interaction between gender and fundamentalism on cooperation. We test the arguments in the context of environmental social dilemmas including decisions about recycling, water and energy consumption, and political participation using data from the 2010 General Social Survey. Findings support our predictions and suggest that fundamentalism more acutely undermines cooperation for women versus men.
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    Before The Feminine Mystique : the educational philosophies of early women's colleges.
    (2014-11-13) Turpin, Andrea Lindsay.
    Betty Friedan graduated Smith College in 1942. Fifteen years later she prepared a survey for her classmates on the event of their upcoming reunion. Her goal: to disprove the belief that a college education made women unhappy. An overwhelming number of respondents reported regretting not having planned to put their education to work beyond the home. Friedan concluded that dissatisfaction sprang not from education itself, but from the failure to use it in a vocation besides homemaking. It was this survey that inspired and informed her 1963 best-seller The Feminine Mystique. As graduates of a women’s college, Friedan and her classmates stood in a long line of women who chose to pursue higher education in that setting. Although state universities in the West opened to women as well as men shortly after the Civil War, long-standing Eastern colleges did not. In the East, therefore, the women’s college became the dominant model of higher education for women. The earliest prominent women’s college, Vassar, opened in 1865, followed a decade later by Wellesley and Friedan’s alma mater Smith. Radcliffe opened in 1879 and Bryn Mawr in 1884. Throughout their early years, these colleges earnestly sought to articulate a vision of how their graduates could best use their education to make a meaningful contribution to society. This paper analyzes how leaders of these early women’s colleges articulated different versions of this vision. It will focus on the first decades of women’s higher education, 1865-1920, to underscore the historical depth of the problem to which Friedan called attention: women and men received the same education, but women had fewer opportunities open to them after graduation. Christianity--of various types--still permeated American higher education during these years, and the paper argues that different theological assumptions underlay different responses to this problem. Some educators did not push graduates toward any particular life path because they believed God should be the one to direct each individual woman. Others believed a college education gave women a moral responsibility to pursue a profession. Still others specified women best served God beyond the home in fields such as social work where their unique strengths were of greatest use. Finally, some believed women best used their education as intelligent homemakers. A great variety of possibilities existed in the minds of the earliest generation, but theological shifts soon made specifying a particular use for women’s education the norm. This change helped women envision a clearer purpose for their education, but it simultaneously constrained their options further.