Library Papers and Presentations

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    Liaison Framework for the Research and Engagement Librarians of Baylor University
    Towers, Sha; Filgo, Ellen Hampton; Bentsen, Eileen M.; Chan-Park, Christina Y.; Crenshaw, Clayton E.; Johansen, Ben; Martinsen, Megan; Ramsey, Timothy; Schuetz, Carol; Hair, Bill; Wood, Sinai; ; ; Baylor University
    The framework identifies and defines the major categories of liaison work and describes core activities and best practices for each area. The framework serves as a roadmap for our liaisons, helping us focus and prioritize work that we do. Within each category, the core activities describe in more detail the content of that category. The best practices serve as concrete and specific examples of the types of work in which liaisons should be engaged. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather a starting point. Liaisons are encouraged to explore relevant new activities and initiatives to help engage and benefit both the library and our liaison units. While this framework was designed specifically for the librarians in the Research and Engagement department, we encourage other departments or libraries to adapt and adopt any parts of this framework that they find useful. Additionally, we have begun piloting the appointment of liaison affiliates (i.e., individuals from outside the department who function as liaisons), and this framework will be critical for defining and negotiating the activities of this type of liaison. It is important to note that the framework does not include aspects of the librarians' work that fall outside the scope of liaison activity.
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    Reframing Pinterest: Information Literacy for Interior Design Students
    Filgo, Ellen Hampton; Martinsen, Megan; Baylor University.; Georgetown University
    This paper discusses providing information literacy to interior design students, specifically how over a few years, and several assignment iterations, we moved from a more traditional one-shot library instruction session to a creative ACRL Framework-inspired assignment using Pinterest as the medium for the students' professionally relevant research project. The outcome of our instruction relied on flexible assignment planning, collaboration as faculty and librarians changed roles, and a focus on information literacy skills needed by professional designers.
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    Cultivating ORCIDs on Your Campus: The Who, What, How, and Why of Implementing Open Researcher and Contributor iDs
    (2018-04-04) Chan-Park, Christina; Peterson-Lugo, Billie; Baylor University Libraries
    ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor iD) is a versatile and global ID system that benefits researchers and administrators. Learn more about ORCID and brainstorm how to work with possible partners to implement a program at your institution.
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    Availability of New Releases in Streaming Audio Databases
    (2018-03-27) Crenshaw, Clayton E.; Crouch Fine Arts Library, Baylor University
    In this study, three streaming audio databases used in music libraries were compared with an extensive list of new classical recordings that is published monthly. Each database was tracked for a separate period of three consecutive months to determine the extent to which new releases were available. A final check was done 30-60 days later for recordings on labels represented in the database, but not found during the monthly searches. The Naxos Music Library was found to have the largest number of labels with new releases, and a high percentage of the new recordings were available for use. Classical Music Library contained a good representation of labels, but very few of the new releases were available at the time the searches were conducted. Only a few of the labels on the list were found in DRAM, but a high percentage of the new recordings on those labels were available.
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    Systematically understanding faculty needs: Using Zotero in liaison work
    Filgo, Ellen Hampton; Baylor University Libraries
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    Ithaka S+R Religious Studies Project: Report of Interviews of Religion Faculty at Baylor University
    (2016-11-01) Bales, John; Robinson, John; Baylor University.
    This report summarizes Baylor University’s part in the Ithaka S+R Religious Studies Project. Ithaka S+R created the Religious Studies Project in order to examine the impact in Religious Studies of shifting research emphases within the academy and of methodological shifts as faculty adopt a more interdisciplinary approach to their work. The Project also seeks to shed light on how libraries might help meet the changing research needs of faculty. Baylor, along with 17 other institutions of higher learning, participated in this study by interviewing Religion faculty and examining the results. A research team from Baylor interviewed fifteen religion faculty selected from the Department of Religion in the Baylor College of Arts and Sciences, from the Honors College, and from George W. Truett Theological Seminary. The team used a semi‐structured approach that involved asking a set of twelve questions to Religion faculty and allowing them freedom to respond to the questions in ways they deemed important. The questions invited comments related to several broad themes. Themes of particular interest highlighted here include what theories and methods do the faculty use; what kinds of sources do they typically rely upon for their research; are they publishing in any non‐ traditional venues such as open access journals, blogs, or popular presses; how are they using the library and its services; and what are some of the challenges they are experiencing themselves personally or that they perceive to be challenges in their respective disciplines.
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    Data Management in a Nutshell
    (2016-09-13) Chan-Park, Christina Y.; Baylor University Libraries
    Following up on my presentation last year on Science Research Workshops: Beyond Bibliographic Instruction, this year I will present material I cover in my Data Management workshop. Although originally designed for professors, I have revamped the workshop to meet the needs of undergraduate (and graduate) students working on theses and other long-term research projects. I generally get a mixture of science and social science students attending with a handful of humanities students. The main takeaway point for the workshop is that a little bit of planning will make the research process easier for you (and for those who come after you). The structure of the workshop is based on the Data Life Cycle: Creating Data, Processing Data, Analyzing Data, Preserving Data, Giving Access to Data, and Reusing Data which leads back to Creating Data. The life cycle is not purely cyclical as new data can be created after processing or analyzing data. The researcher is basically in charge of the first three steps, but what she decides to do during those steps can greatly help the archivist/librarian/lab manager who often is in charge of the last three steps. Specific data management tasks for both active and archived data that I remind students to consider include: decide what data needs to be managed/archived, convert/digitize data when necessary to archival formats, choose an appropriate file hierarchy, establish a file name convention, maintain multiple backups with appropriate security, and create README files.
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    Everything You Should Know About Your Academic Identity
    (2016-09-13) Bentsen, Eileen M.; Chan-Park, Christina Y.; Filgo, Ellen Hampton; Baylor University Libraries
    During this workshop, we will address different issues related to academic identity and publishing. Young scholars should be aware that often other academics’ first impressions are not based on a face-to-face meeting but on a “paper trail,” which these days can often be digital. Understanding how an academic identity is established early on in one’s career allows scholars to promote their scholarship in an easily discoverable body of work. For women, the issue of academic identity is complicated by several factors, not the least of which is the misunderstanding that it is shameless self-promotion. In this workshop, we’ll present the rationale and tools for developing and promoting an academic identity, encouraging women to take a more active part in their academic success. Choosing a consistent name for publishing is the first step in establishing an academic identity. However, choosing a consistent name is easier said than done as some publications only use an author’s initials rather than full name, co-authors may not realize what name you choose to use, or your name has changed. Establishing an ORCID, Google Scholar Profile, and other profiles and IDs is crucial to ensuring that all your work is properly credited to yourself and that others’ research is not inadvertently attributed to you. Search committees and especially promotion committees use various publication metrics as one evaluation criterion. In addition to number of publications and journal rankings, traditional metrics include number of citations (with and without self-citation), average citations, and h-index. Alternative metrics (also known as altmetrics) are also becoming more common and include views and downloads; discussions on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media; saves in bookmarks or Mendeley; and recommendations in databases and networking cites. Making sure that others can easily discover your publications is key to your works being read and cited. Traditional databases are still heavily used to find research articles, but new interfaces are emerging. What are these new interfaces? Are they accepted or promoted at your institution? How can you best take advantage of them to gain recognition in your field and earn tenure? What altmetric and academic social media sites are available to you and why is it also in your institution’s best interest to become aware of these resources? This workshop will be a combination of demonstration and Q&A.
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    Smart Shifting for Less Maintenance
    Crenshaw, Clayton E.; Crouch Fine Arts Library, Baylor University
    Planning for growth is an important part of managing print collections, and reallocating space by shifting materials is a necessary, but laborious, task. The literature suggests that growth space is determined at the level of LC class in most academic library shifting projects. Within a music library collection, however, growth rates can vary widely within a single subclass (M, ML or MT). This poster explains how to plan a collection shift in a more granular way, segmenting it by call number ranges and tying growth space to recent acquisition patterns. By doing so, libraries can make best use of the available space and the need for future shifting can be minimized. The spreadsheet excerpted in the poster is used for the final calculations.
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    Promoting music library resources -- with mixed results
    (2014-12-01) Crenshaw, Clayton E.; Baylor University.
    This article reports the results of efforts to promote music library resources. Selected new books and CD recordings were promoted using a service desk display. Circulation statistics for those items were compared with other new items that were not promoted. The display proved to be very effective. Two literature databases and two audio databases were also promoted using multiple methods. Usage statistics from the promotion period were then compared with those for the previous two academic years. A slight increase in use was observed for one database, while overall usage declined for the other three.
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    Downloading Library E-Books
    (2013-10-22) Chan-Park, Christina Y.; Baylor University.
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    Tips for Working with a “Feral Science Librarian”
    (2013-10-22) Chan-Park, Christina Y.; Baylor University.
    With a growing trend of hiring "feral librarians" who have PhDs in a subject but no MLIS degree, libraries and librarians adapt their training and orientation for these new librarians. Based on my 2.5 years of experience as feral librarian, I will present some qualities you might want to consider if you plan to hire one and some tips on helping them become the best librarians they can be.
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    Research Paper Planner: Students Love It, but Do We Know Why?
    (2013-10-22) Chan-Park, Christina Y.; Bentsen, Eileen M.; Baylor University.
    Students get excited about the research paper planner because it generates a personalized schedule of research and writing steps for papers. They also find the links to advice and tips for these steps and the email alerts helpful. We attempt to quantify this enthusiasm and use of the research paper planner through web page analytics and a user survey. These data will help us develop targeted marketing programs and other similar tools.